Thursday, April 28, 2005

Rediscovery: Cocteau Twins

In 8th grade I was all about the Cocteau Twins. The extent to which I was a misfit in general was clearly visible in my musical preferences. Up until 6th or 7th grade, my music of choice was "easy listening" (e.g. The Carpenters, Neil Diamond, Gordon Lightfoot), a result of the fact that was what my mother played at home. After a very brief stint listening to the American Top 40 and trying to curl my bangs so that they would "pouf," I moved to the songs we were singing with my hippie choral director, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Carole King, Joni Mitchell, songs from Godspell. I supplemented this music with a hodge-podge of other stuff I came across and liked, The Roches, Cocteau Twins, New Order, Indigo Girls, and the Dead Milkmen.

At any rate, as all my Cocteau Twins CDs were lost in the great car break-in of 1995, I have gotten away from them. However, I've been listening to them on MusicMatch jukebox lately and am reminded how much they kick ass - it's perfect "trying-to-deal-with-SAS" music.

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