Sunday, August 20, 2006

post hoc

Sorry, sorry. I thinking I'm starting to be over this endeavor but I've felt that way before so we'll just play it by ear, OK?

The ASA was great! If you haven't noticed, I am a bit socially and intellectually isolated out here in brew city. Thus, it was wonderful to have interaction and with SO MANY SOCIOLOGISTS! The whole experience really boosted my confidence in my work and made me feel better about my chosen vocation.

E and her dad had a nice trip too. They went to many of the museums and sites. My partner likes to visit old Olympic venues. Luckily for him, Montreal once hosted the Olympics. Luckily for me, I was too busy to accompany him on a tour. E loved our accommodations in Montreal. She was really working on pulling up and cruising - precursor to walking. She also diversified her mobility repetoire a little by adding conventional crawling (she is typically a butt-scooter) and crab walking to her skill set.

Anyway, the trip has energized me. First, I am no longer applying for asst. prof. positions this year. Instead I'm going to put the energy into getting one chapter finished and sent out to journals and 2 other chapters well underway. Second, I am going to put more energy into networking with other sociologists doing work sympathetic to my own. Finally, I've been ON TASK since we returned. I get through most of the items on my to do list most days (and I've replaced a lot of mom-ish chores with dissertation-ish ones) and put in extra work time during E's naps and, importantly, at night.

So, things are good.

1 comment:

jeremy said...

I'm glad you were energized by the trip. I was as well.