We have a very nice house and we tend to keep it tidy and reasonably clean except for the dog hair tumbleweeds that like to blow about between vacuuming sessions. Our decorating is a bit on the spartan side - not a great many knick-knacks, etc.
Our house is great except for the office, which is a total disaster. See photographic evidence here:

I've decided that I need an office worthy of the dissertation I want to write - a corollary of my dad's obsession with "dressing for the job you want to have." The office worthy of the dissertation I want to write will have comfortable seating, loads of surface area and enough shelves for the books (and other assorted reading material) my partner and I currently posses as well as the books we will come into possession of in the next 24 months (presumably after that time I will have a job and an office at said job and some of my books will live at work).
I recently implemented phase one of the office reconstruction: ordering a spacious corner desk. Target's Furio mission style desk with hutch and computer desk have to go. Phase 2 is floor to ceiling modular shelving to be ordered during the next credit card billing cycle. Phase 3 is the acquisition of a lateral file no more than 42 inches long. I'm trying to do that one on the way cheap.
The desk has just arrived and I am about to start taking this office apart to usher in a new period of unprecedented mental clarity and productivity! Not sure how long it will be before I get my computer set up in the desk's CPU cabinet. Until then, adieu!
1 comment:
yay for getting organized! there is nothing like an organized office to increase motivation (for me, anyway).
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