Friday, August 25, 2006


The office is coming along great. I love the desk and now cannot wait for the shelving and file cabinet to arrive. I like it all so much, in fact, that I am thinking of renting a carpet cleaner so I can attempt to bring the carpet up to snuff with the rest of my new office. I also need an office chair, a corkboard, and some picture frames.

Yesterday was my partners birthday so we went out for a nice dinner and a movie. We saw An Inconvenient Truth. I enjoyed it. I think it's safe to say that my thoughts kept returning to a few specific things on the walk home (thankfully, I was spared the guilt of driving home because we live in a neighborhood in which we can walk to 4-star restaurants and movie theatres).

First, I kept wondering what my dad and Mary would think of the film. I think my dad would find it somewhat compelling and I think that Mary would either say that we just need to pray about global warming or she would say that there is no such thing at all and that people who think other countries are doing a better a job on the environment should just go ahead and move.

Second, I've decided that I am going to seriously curb my driving over and above the low levels of driving we currently do (I am going to be a mass transit and walking nazi). This endeavor is supported by the impending opening of Milwaukee's first Whole Foods which is minutes away from our place.

Finally, wouldn't it be nice to have a president who is ABOUT something? I don't think we've had one of those in my lifetime - a president who is really consumed by one particular social concern. The film reminded me that back in the 90s I was a huge Al Gore fan, read his book, followed the work he was doing on the Kyoto Protocol, etc. My partner thinks Gore should take another shot at the white house but I think that would be foolish. He won't have the party behind him and, besides, I think he may accomplish more as the man who should have been president - kind of a Jimmy Carter-esque position (I know Carter did a term) of having the moral authority and voice but not having the practical obstacles to pursuing the best ends.

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