Monday, August 22, 2005

movie night

I have finally met someone in Milwaukee with long-term friendship potential. This is not to say that there aren't a lot of potential friends walking around or that I don't have some "starter friendships," only that my life is not organized in such a way that I get to meet a lot of people in general. Thus, meeting potential kindred spirits occurs even more infrequently.

So, anyway, this person is great and so nice that she invited me out to a movie. She had her baby ages after the due date and understands how caged one can feel in the final weeks. All summer I've been wanting to see "Mad Hot Ballroom" and she agreed to see it but it turns out that it isn't showing on Tuesday night. I recommended "The Beautiful Country" with the caveat that it might be a bit heavy. She countered with "Wedding Crashers" and "40-Year-Old Virgin."

So, here's the thing, I've spoken before about my distaste for bad movies. I am generally amazed that the movie industry knows they can make idiotic shit films and still turn a buck on them and the idea that I would blow $8 to see some crappy movie kills me. I end up doing it anyway, of course, because I want to hang out with folks. But you don't really socialize at a movie you just sit there. Monster-in-Law is just the most recent example of time and money wasted in the interest of fostering or maintaining friendships.

On top of that, both of those movies are showing at theaters outside of the downtown/eastside area of the city. This means that I would have to drive instead of walking or taking the bus. I LOATHE driving which is precisely why I moved to an area of the city where I can walk to the movies, bookstore, supermarket, etc.

So, in conclusion, I am difficult and a snob.

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