Monday, August 01, 2005

Basket case

You think I've got it under control, do you?
Well, I've got news for you because it's atomic magnetism, not will, skill, or even luck, that keeps me from falling apart.

1. I am the worst RA of all time and soon the entire State of Wisconsin will be aware of how awful I really am.
2. Midsummer head colds suck.
3. You know how I always swore that I wouldn't allow myself to worry about those things my parents always worried about? How I always said that there were more important things than, well, things? Here I am worrying.
4. I carry most of my tension in my jaw and shoulders - hence the mouthguard when I sleep to save what remains of my teeth and help my TMJ. Days like today insure that I have ground my teeth down plenty before I even hit the sack.


jeremy said...

What's TMJ?

Andrea said...

TMJ is a term referring to the jaw joints but is also used to encompass a variety of problems with those joints. In my case, a severe overbite, grinding my teeth during sleep, recurring ear infections are all related to extreme discomfort in my jaw. My jaw pops when I open and close my mouth and frequently is tender to the touch.