2. I did "dare to be great" with my baking and it worked out just fine. I made daffodil cake, a marbled angel food cake. The yellow marble is flavored with orange juice and the icing is orange as well.

daffodil cake

3. My doctor said that she recently heard that fresh pineapple helps bring on labor so that's what I had for dessert this evening. Amazingly, I've spent my entire life believing that I don't like pineapple when, in fact, it is quite tasty. I guess in the past I've always had the canned stuff. Or, perhaps, I had it in the wrong context - on pizza or in a fruit salad instead of plain.
4. Yesterday someone told me that shrimp also helps to bring on labor. Although I am unwilling to eat whole shrimp, I did eat a Thai red curry for dinner that contains shrimp paste.
5. Naturally, any other absurd labor-inducing tips are welcome.
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