Friday, March 04, 2005


1. Sociology is concerned with a great deal more than sex and politics.
2. I'm not really a chest-thumper. Nor do I want to be associated with a whole lot of poorly reasoned (even if playful) posturing.

That's right... I'm just a big snob.

Incidentally, I have to argue that The Dead Milkmen have made many forgotten contributions to music. "Punk Rock Girl" is one of the least of the songs that we should never forget.


jeremy said...

So you know, this post made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

yes, how could we forget just how seriously you take yourself?

fortunately, sociology IS a lot more than politics and sex and equally fortunately, it's also a lot more than carefully reasoned posturing by self-described snobs.

Andrea said...


I guess I am glad to hear from you anon. I was planning to post a scathing remark elsewhere but you've led me to reconsider.