Monday, January 03, 2005

i know i know

I know it's been a long time but cut me some slack.
I have lots of great excuses to give - no one reads this blog anyway, I'm in a tremendous end-of-the-semester I'm-never-going-to-finish-this-program-successfully-so-why-even-try my-life-is-chaos funk, and the biggest and somewhat all-consuming thing going on with me right now is so top secret that i can't even blog about it.
At any rate, I'm off to San Francisco tomorrow, home for a few days and then off to Maine for 2 weeks of imposed exile/productivity regarding this dissertation-thingy. I won't have much with me besides my laptop so I imagine I will have plenty of time to wax poetic from the road.


jeremy said...

I read this blog. I suppose I could be the only one.

Anonymous said...

I read it sometimes.