Saturday, November 20, 2004

book note

On the bus home from campus yesterday I read "Message in a Bottle," another book that I picked up at the monthly book swap I attend. I wouldn't normally bother with a popular romantic novel but it was slim pickings at the swap and, besides, this particular novel was made into a film which they shot in the great state of Maine - not that I will ever see the film. Incidentally, the book is set in Boston and North Carolina. Also, it should be noted that the the main characters are played by Kevin Costner (arguably the worst actor EVER*) and Robin Wright Penn who is no Ethel Barrymore. The casting puzzles me since the characters are supposed to be in their mid-30s.
Anyway, the novel was pathetic. The characters were too consistent (t00 seamless, if you know what I mean) to be believable and the relationships the author constructs are absolute fantasy. No wonder the author needs to kill someone off at the end of the book - the perfect little world he creates just cannot hold.
*When my friend Lena, first arrived in the states from Senegal, her favorite actor was Kevin Costner. I am sure I wrinkled my nose when she told me this. In Senegal, they see their movies in French, so Lena had only ever seen Costner movies dubbed. Once her English was far enough along for her to be able to enjoy films in English, Lena rented some Costner films and was HORRIFIED by Costner's monotone line delivery.

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