Friday, September 08, 2006

Plan of Attack

Here's the plan. What do you think? Actually, unless you are going to tell me things that reinforce my fragile self-esteem, just remain mum, OK?

This semester:
1. Send out 2 (possibly 3) book reviews so as to take small steps toward overcoming the fear of disseminating research (to be completed by October 15 ath the LATEST). I'm much more comfortable commenting on other people's work so why not navigate the process a couple of times with written work that I feel OK about? I know, I should have been doing this all along.
2. Complete and clean up dissertation chapter 2.
3. Send it out to folks for comment.
4. Prepare thesis (I know, I know. This should have been done ages ago) for submission.
5. Find folks to read revised thesis and send it to them.

The break:
1. ASA submission- first run at chapter 3 based on data collected in initial field site (try to hijack panel with like-minded co-conspirators)
2. Revise chapter 2.
3. Revise thesis.

Next semester:
1. Send chapter 2 out for publication.
2. Send thesis out for publication.
3. Begin chapter 4 interviews.
4. Ongoing chapter 3 data collection in follow-up sites and writing.
5. Hunger data analysis and policy brief.


jeremy said...

Where are you sending book reviews?

Andrea said...

I don't know. I have no idea, to be precise. I picked a a few extremely recent books that I need to read for my dissertation anyway. I guess I was hoping to peddle them to the relevant topical journals. It would be great if I had a connection to Contemporary Sociology and could work out a solicitation but it is unlikely.

Any suggestions or advice?

jeremy said...

I have only done reviews by solicitation, so I do not know how submitting reviews works.

Andrea said...

I guess I'm just going by what some faculty in the department (editing journals at the time) have said about always needing people to write book reviews in assuming that I will be able to find a home for my reviews.

Perhaps I am wrong. We will see.