As they say, third time's the charm/ three strikes and you're out!
Happiest Baby on the Block
Sears Baby Book (own this because you will need it often)
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (re-read at 4 months)
The Petite Appetite Cookbook
Super Baby Food
New Mother Stuff
Snoogle Get this by the 20th week. If you're a drooler like me, make sure to spend a little extra for the one with the removable cover. It's a pain to remove but its well worth it.
Have this stuff ready for your return from the hospital
1. Avent Isis manual pump if not planning to pump at work or Isis IQDuo electric pump if planning to pump at work. I am telling you, the
2. Sleep bra
3. Lansinoh disposable Nursing Pads (reusable are terrible. trust me.)
4. I also recommend that you steal some of those disposable fishnet panties, huge pads and icepack-pad combos from the hospital.
Baby Gear
Have this stuff ready:
1. A couple of days' worth of newborn/preemie clothes. My baby was 7 lbs 11 oz and she was still too small for 0-3 month clothes for the first 2 weeks.
2. Bedside sleeper. I used this one. I was planning to just use the crib in my room but someone gave me a bedside sleeper. I loved it!
3. The ultimate baby wrap. My newborn didn't feel very secure (my opinion, not hers) in the Baby Bjorn until about 2 months. I've just started feeling comfortable with her in the sling.
Needed by week 3 or 4
1. Baby straight-jacket a.k.a. Swaddle blankets. I used the Miracle blanket. Make sure that you have at least 2 in case one gets spit-up on or the baby blows a diaper at 2 a.m.
By 8 - 10 weeks
1. An exersaucer or the Fisher-Price jumperoo. Even if they aren't playing, they like being put in it once they hold their heads well and their toes can touch the floor (you can also put a phonebook under their feet). If your baby looks unstable, you can wrap a towel around her middle to keep her upright in the seat.
2. Who knew? Hallmark's lullaby CD works like a charm for naps.