Friday, January 27, 2006

It's like they always say (take one)

My partner has this story he likes to tell when people ask "how we fell in love." His story goes something like this: "She thought I had a really nice ass." This being inaccurate, his gluteus maximus being neither particularly stellar or a factor in my romantic interest in him, I come up with much more appealing posthoc explanations of why we are together. You know, the kind of stories you don't mind telling for the next 40 years and having your kids tell their kids after that.

Anyway, I remember beginning to take an interest in my partner when I started to divine that he was a geek in jock's clothing. He also had this particularly cute habit of using idioms that seemed to be straight out of "Leave It to Beaver." My absolute favorite of the idiomatic expressions he frequently employed: Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile.

So, yeah, I've been thinking about it lately and I've decided that I would like my contribution to humanity, apart from the offspring, of course, to be introducing a new idiom into the English language and I am going to use this blog to accomplish this task.

So, that right folks... um.... history in the making... I mean... This tattoo is forever and you watched them ink it, you know what I mean?

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