We are working on coming up with our winter holiday tradition. We know E is too small to remember this year but we want to get our tradition off to a good start because it will likely take a few years to work out the kinks. We're celebrating Winter Solstice. Here is the description/invitation I am drafting. What do you think? Too campy? Yeah, I know.
This first annual event is the beginning of family tradition. The approach of the winter solstice is easily marked by dwindling sunlight, deepening cold and darkness. At such times, when the sun shines upon us least, it would behoove us to remember our dependence on its energy, the planet we inhabit, and the others that share this finite space with us.
In our family, the increasing dark of December leads us to look past the comforts offered by home and loved ones and instead to consider the need that exists around us, however inconspicuous. In our home Winter Solstice is to be time for volunteerism, civic participation and philanthropy, a time to act to shed a little light while the sun shines dimly.
Every year our family will select a charitable, philanthropic or activist organization or individual and endeavor to provide assistance to that individual or organization. Our efforts will culminate on the Saturday before the solstice when we invite our friends and family to join us for in supporting our cause. We offer hot soup, hearty bread, lively conversation and ask that you join us!
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