Saturday, May 28, 2005

Wisconsin + Beer + 2:30 a.m.

Why is it, I wonder, that here in Milwaukee, and, if I correctly recall, particular areas of Madison, people announce bar time and their inebriated state by randomly shouting, "Whoooooooooh!" as they make their way home at the end of the evening?

I puzzled over this for some time last night when the dulcent "Whooooooohs!" of a couple of folks walking past my house roused me, but I was unable to come up with any explanation. It's as if being drunk isn't enough fun, one has to make sure that everyone knows they are drunk and loving it. Or perhaps, with the end of the night approaching, folks are trying to reassure themselves that the evening is worth the pending cost - lying in bed with one foot on the floor to keep the room from tipping over.

At any rate, goody-two-shoes that I may be, I have been around many a drunken revelry without the Whoooooohs so I find them curious and wonder about their function.

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