Wednesday, October 31, 2007

after all, that's why they are there

Take this lady from the zoo last month. BTW, if you have to come 15 feet out of your way and stand right in front of me to confirm that I am, indeed, nursing my child, it is, perhaps, you with the issue! Although I don't welcome the moment, I pity the person who actually says something to me about nursing because they will receive all the ire I've stored as a result of comments, snickers, and family-in-law issues around breastfeeding.

For the record, most awkward BF moment:
On flight to NYC in August. Since we were 3, I was left with the baby sitting next to a stranger. H. started to fuss during take-off. I latched her on (on the same side as the guy sitting next to me in hopes that would seem less uncomfortable to him and leave him less likely to get kicked. Once I had myself all situated (covered up with blanket, baby nursing successfully, I glanced at my seat companion and found that he his entire body (face included) was smashed so resolutely against the wall of the plane that, had he suddenly manifested hero powers like D.L., he would have ended up falling to his death. So, J. and I switched seats and, although it was a huge pain to manage a toddler and an infant, it was a million times more comfortable than sitting next to that guy. Incidentally, he was a nice guy and spoke gratefully with J. the entire flight.

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