Monday, October 10, 2005

Are you hungry? Tired? Bored? Too hot? Too cold? Gassy? Oh, I know. You need the potty!

I like to think that I am trying to be a nouveau* mom and I mean nouveau in the sense that I am staying on top of the cutting edge wisdom when it comes to child-rearing. Amazingly, I do this despite the fact that Levitt claims it is likely to make little difference in terms of my child's life chances. So, yes, I offer my child the gift of sleep, make use of the other 4 s's, and put my child down for a nap after 1 - 2 hours of wakefulness. I firmly believe that "breast is best" and that you can't spoil a child for the first 6 months. I do a lot of baby-wearing, eschew schedules but love routines, and have even started collecting organic baby food recipes. Yes, folks, what's nouveau right now is primarily a return to the "ancient wisdom" of child-rearing (often what folks in non-Western and pre-Dr. Spock societies do/did) and I lap it up. This, however, might be going a bit too far. I mean, I will look into it but, I really can't see myself holding my 6-week-old child over the toilet and saying "Psp-psp-psp" 15 or 20 times a day.

*Please don't correct my grammar. Nouvelle, yes I know, nouvelle.

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