Friday, November 02, 2007


I have an interview!

Good location, not so good department but, on account of good location, a pretty nice faculty. It's amazing what this process does to you. While I applied to the position assuring myself that, surely, I could do better, now I am grateful that these folks even want to speak with me.

I stretched my area of specialization a bit for this one so we'll see how it goes.

Of course, the possibility of a job offer is eons away but still I find myself struggling a bit, even if at the same time I am SO GLAD that SOMEONE decided I might be worth considering. The downside: my partner has prospects in 2 UNBEATABLE locations even if, professionally speaking, they aren't the best. Granted, I don't have any nibbles in those places. However, the idea of a life lived in location A & B make the idea of accepting a job in location C disappointing.

1 comment:

jeremy said...

Congratulations! E-mail me where it is.