Sunday, November 04, 2007

a day in the life

I'm parenting on my own this weekend as my infinitely more prolific and successful partner enjoys back-to-back job interviews. Really, it isn't too different to be here on my own except that the poor dogs get the shaft when it comes to walks. Although the erstwhile hour and two-hour walks they enjoyed prior to E's arrival are a distant memory, they are accustomed to at least getting around the block. Instead, we walk up and down in front of the house - as far as we can get until the baby monitor notifies me that it has lost the signal. And of course, bedtime is a bit easier with 2 sets of hands.

However, it has gone smoothly today despite the fact that I didn't get more than 1 hour of uninterrupted sleep all night last night on account of H's current excessive nightwaking (I assume teething and general glitches on the road to having a well-wired brain) and the time change messing with our nap schedule.

Incidentally, in the middle of the night (I believe it was the 2:46 waking) I resolved that I am going to clean up my diet and, as soon as this Yale paper and one lingering application are squared away, take up some kind of exercise - beside lugging about 50 pounds of infant/toddler around much of the day. Perhaps I will work those poor dogs into my plans but, more likely, I will join the 24 hr fitness center that just went in down the street. No point in giving up a health for this academic trajectory!

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