Thursday, June 01, 2006


sorry. i have morphed so completely into my island self that i generally forget that i have a blog at all. there is something about this place - the contentment and completeness of the space i think - that makes it difficult to make plans, to return phone calls, etc. it's much easier to gadabout, read a book out in the yard, walk down to the ice cream shop for a cone and then walk "out backshore"to listen to the surf. to mosey on home as the daylight dwindles, throw some veggies on the grill and fall asleep in front of the red sox game. at night as you lie in bed you can hear the bell buoy marking the ledge in whitehead passage chiming away and, when it's foggy, the horns at two lights and portland head.

i told dad and mary that i was moving in permanently.

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